This page is all for games!! from websites like Miniclip, Free Online, and Armor games.....also other websites if i find any cool games-so check bac soon plz!
 This game above is called park a lot 2 it is really fun u use the arrow keys to walk and drive when u begin a car will come and the person will get out of the car with a number on his/her head and u get in the car and park it at the number that was on the screen. then when they come back they will be waiting at the exit for u to bring back the car-X is to change the speed in the car and out but when u r walking it wastes stamina and last to get out of the car u press space, to get in u just walk on the car
 This game is called monkey lander (above)- wat u do is fly around and u collect all the bananas and then u land gentle
 This game is called Sim Taxi (below. wat you do is drive the taxi and pick up people and then drop them off where ever they want to go-just like a regular taxi job. make sure u are carefull and dont crash the car too much also dont forget to refuel ur taxi when ur out of gas--if ur car has repairs needed then go to a repair shop which is the garage where u begin the game-make sure u listen to the person u r driving because he/she might want u to change the radio channel u hav three choices to change just push 1, 2, or 3 each one is a different station. hav fun and enjoy
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