This page is when i show u wat results i get on

 test/quiz's i take. This will tell u a little bit about me.

 This is the score i got on a dumb test.

 This is a test i took and it said the pet i should get is a Cat!! for me thats ok--not my favorite pet but its cool.
 This is the score i got on the Impossible Quiz.

 i took a personality test and it said i was

aggressive!! I 50% agree--i mean im not that

agressive! this is the description it gave:


Agressive You're determined, strong-

willed, and ambitious. When you've set

your mind to a goal, no one can get in your

 way. You make it happen, and you make it

 happen big! You have a healthy ego and

sense of self-confidence.



 This is a idiot test i took. Im soo proud I AM NOT AN IDIOT IM SAYING IT LOUDLY AND PROUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!

I took a Which Nemo character are you quiz and i got Nigel!!! Here is the description:

You like to know everything about everyone. You're sociable and helpful.

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